Saturday 8 April 2017

Controlling Your Weight

Are you one of those who must always worry about your weight? It is hard to maintain a normal figure, not allowing yourself to become too thin or too fat but trying to remain near the ideal figure. 

 These are a few steps on how to lose weight and these steps also have a tremendous health benefit as well. 

(1) Drink a glass of immediately upon rising. 

Therefore, the water should be distilled. Absolutely no tap water. This starts the body's metabolism.
 You can also drink 8 glasses of water during the day.

(2) Eat a big breakfast.

80% of people who are over weight eat a small breakfast or none at all. Eighty percent of thin people eat a large breakfast. Be sure to include reasonable amounts of items in your diet such as  potatoes and  whole grain-cereals . Everything should be organic: pineapples, oranges, figs, berries, apples, plain yogurt ( no sugar or fruits), tomatoes, carrots and many more. You can also eat alot of salads in your meals.

(3) Be careful about "left-overs."

Many housewife put on weight because they hate to see food wasted.

 (4) Walk for at least one hour a day. 

Walking a day can help you to burn unwanted calories and will change your body dramatically in as little as one month.

(5) Avoid rich desserts. 
All that access sugar and fat is high in calories but low in food value. Your best "exercise" is to push yourself away from the table while you still have cravings for ice cream, pastry and cakes.

(6) Consume 100% organic unrefined coconut oil. 

 According to research, Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat you can find, with around 90% of calories as saturated fat. It helps lower the risk of heart disease.

(7) Do  not eat after six p.m. 

You can eat all day long but do your best to stop eating after 6:00pm., you will loose weight.

(8) No fast food restaurant/outlets.

Any restaurant that is a chain or a franchise that sells fast foods produces their food in a way that will make you fat and unhealthy.  You can actually eat burgers and pizzas and loose weight, provided that the ingredients you use are organic and contains no chemicals.Fast foods outlets is there to make money.

These are my eight tips to control weight. Take charge and do what needs to be done. You'll look better, feel better and you will be healthier.

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